Kumar Kymal
MindForward Alliance USA Chair USA
Kumar is an innovative and business-focused HR leader who sees wellbeing and workplace mental health as vital to company growth and vibrant cultures. He brings a breadth of global experiences from large blue-chip companies including Bank of New York Mellon, Thomson Reuters, BlackBerry, Nokia and Cisco. He has lived and worked in the UK, Europe, Canada and the US, working in Senior Global Reward and HRBP roles across multiple industries.
Kumar is active in the HR community and served as a non-executive Board Member of World at Work from 2012-20, on I4CP’s Reward Board, Conference Board’s Executive Compensation Council and on Executive Networks – Global Total Rewards Network. He is a founding member of Cornell's Executive Forum - Institute for Compensation Studies. He is a frequent speaker on a variety of topics from Agile Practices, Reward, Wellbeing, Personal Resilience, Recognition, to the Future of Work in various forums.