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Guidance and Insights Papers


A wide range of free workplace mental health resources, which MindForward Alliance has created in partnership with a experts and businesses.  All are aimed at informing and empowering businesses to take action, with confidence, on workplace mental health.  

Each resource aligns with a standard from our Thriving at Work Framework, categorised under our 3 strategic pillars: Culture, Environment and Support with a further section on overall Strategy, Impact and Measurement.


Resources from MindForward Alliance


Pillar 1: Culture

Developing mental health awareness in the workplace

Culture, Standard 1: Communication and engagement

This guide provides an overview of some of the most impactful mental health awareness campaigns which have been tried and tested.

Deliberate calm - How to learn and lead in a volatile world

Culture, Standard 2: Senior leadership

Insights from the 2024 Summit: Jacqueline Brassey, co-lead at the McKinsey Health Institute focuses on how to empower leaders to lead with deliberate calm in times of uncertainty and disruption.

Putting the wellbeing of employees into the S of your ESG strategy

Culture, Standard 4: Ecosystem

Employee mental health and wellbeing is becoming a core part of responsible business; but it is not clear how it fits into an ESG strategy. This proposition paper addresses that question.


Pillar 2: Environment

Time to Act Mental Health in Early Careers

Environment, Standard 6: Employee lifecycle

Research and a toolkit created by MindForward Alliance in partnership with Bupa in 2022 on how businesses can support people at the start of their career to thrive.

The impact of the childrens mental health crisis on working parents

Environment, Standard 6: Employee lifecycle

A research report and guide for how businesses can respond to a hidden wellbeing challenge

A Parents Toolkit - Mental health in children and young people

Environment, Standard 6: Employee lifecycle

A toolkit for parents concerned about their children’s mental health.

Workplace Wellbeing - What really works

Environment, Standard 7: Working conditions

Investing in employee wellbeing isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s a business imperative. Research shows strong links between wellbeing, talent attraction, productivity, and stock market performance. Read the key takeaways from our recent summit panel discussion.


Pillar 3: Support

Breaking down mental health stigma in the workplace

Support, Standard 8: Opening the dialogue

Sharing lived experience from volunteers in your workplace is a powerful way to reduce mental health stigma. This resource guides you on how to do this effectively and compassionately in your workplace.

Mental health and race toolkit

Support, Standard 10: Accessible support

A toolkit to help businesses support the positive mental health of their people who are black or from a minority ethnic background

Selecting and Promoting Global EAPs

Support, Standard 10: Accessible support

This guide offers a comprehensive roadmap for selecting and promoting a global EAP that meets consistent standards across all your locations.

How businesses can communicate and signpost to mental health support

Support, Standard 10: Accessible support

Find out how businesses, including Sodexo and BP maximise employee engagement with mental health support.

How to recruit engage and support global networks of mental health champions

Support, Standard 10: Accessible support

Find out how to set up and sustain an impactful network of Mental Health Champions. This guide, written in collaboration with BNY, considers every step - including recruitment, training and ongoing support. 

Baby loss and the workplace

This resource looks at why baby loss is a workplace issue; the mental health and wellbeing impact on those who have lost their babies; and what workplaces, managers, and colleagues can be doing to provide support.


Strategy, Impact & Measurement

Thriving at Work Framework

Strategy: Thriving at Work Framework

A roadmap to guide your business to building a mentally healthy workplace.

Using data to measure the impact or workplace mental health initiatives

Impact and measurement

Contributors from Unilever and Fidelidade share their experiences of using data to evolve their workplace mental health strategies.


Further recommended reading


Pillar 1: Culture


Standard 1: Communication and engagement

Creating a Positive Workplace Mental Health Culture (global): a webinar featuring insights from Deloitte and HSBC.

Developing an annual mental health campaign (global): a case study from EDP on its month-long ‘Mind your Mind’ campaign for World Mental Health Day.

Jardine Matheson: Heart2Heart Programme (APAC): a case study from the CMHA HK on Jardine Matheson’s group-wide mental health advocacy programme.

#LetsTalk open forum (APAC): a case study by the City Mental Health Alliance Hong Kong (CMHA HK) on how JLL Hong Kong encourages open dialogue on mental health.

Mental health storytelling campaigns and strategy fororganisations in Asia (APAC): factsheet by the CMHA HK, including a case study from Linklaters.

The value of effective employee involvement (global): a case study from International SOS on involving employees in planning their workplace mental health initiatives.

The relationship between local and global mental well-being planning (global): a case study from Bupa.


Standard 2: Senior leadership

Executive Leader Masterclass (global): a training course delivered by business leaders to support leadership teams develop skills in supporting employee mental wellbeing.

Hitting the Limit understanding the nexus between Mental Health and People  Performance (APAC): a CEO report detailing research from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia.

Organisational leadership (global): a case study on BNY’s approach to senior leadership engagement in the firm’s mental health and diverse abilities resource group.

Shaulee Kamal Khan, HSBC Asia Pacific, wins the Leadership Award (APAC): MindForward Alliance Awards.


Standard 3: Transparency and accountability

Thriving at Work Assessment (global): an assessment provided by MindForward Alliance to support businesses to measure, evaluate and improve their global workplace mental health strategy.

MindForward Alliance Leadership Pledge (global): a pledge that businesses can sign to demonstrate their commitment to employee mental wellbeing.

Using data effectively in a workplace mental health strategy (global): a case study from Bupa on its approach to using data to understand the employee experience.


Standard 4: Ecosystem

Providing training for social impact (EMEA): a case study from Grupo Ageas Portugal on howthey created Escola de Impacto (Impact School) to support individuals in vulnerable situations.


Pillar 2: Environment


Standard 5: People management

Building a psychologically safe workplace (APAC): top tips for managers from the City Mental Health Alliance Hong Kong.

Delivering mental health training to managers in a diverse globalenvironment (Newmont, Global): a case study from Newmont on developing training for people leaders through a digitalplatform.

MindForward Alliance training: a range of workplace mental wellbeing training courses including ‘building mentally healthy teams’.


Standard 6: Employee lifecycle

Australia Thriving from the Start Network (APAC): a mental health community in the Australia for people in their early career or who are still in education and applying for jobs.

Creating a trainee onboarding programme (EMEA): a case study from CTT Correios de Portugal on the organisation’s onboarding process for their new employees.

Looking after your financial wellbeing (APAC): a webinar for people early in their careers from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia.

Navigating the ageing care journey: support for employees(APAC): a factsheet from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia on how businesses can support employees who are navigating ageing care for parents.

Thriving in the face of uncertainty (APAC): a webinar from Corporate Mental Health AllianceAustralia for people early in their career on how to make changes in your career, cope with unexpected changes and thrive in the face of new demands.

Thriving from the Start Network: a mental health community in the UK for people in their early career or who are still in education and applying for jobs.

Unhealthy perfectionism: a training course on skills to identify the difference between a healthy striving for excellence and unhealthy perfectionism.


Standard 7: Working conditions

Managing psychosocial risk in the workplace (APAC): a case study from Bunnings on how the firm undertook an organisation-wide risk assessment to help better understand the psychosocial hazards impacting employees.

Managing psychosocial risk in the workplace (APAC): a case study from Commonwealth Bank Australia on the implementation of a psychosocial risk framework and risk assessment process.

Measuring psychosocial risks in the workplace (EMEA): a case study from Fidelidade on how they address psychosocial risks in the workplace.

Managing Psychosocial Risk in the Workplace Modules (APAC): a toolkit from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia covering why assessing psychosocial risks is important, how to plan the assessment and how to implement change.

Mental Health at Work (global): a policy brief by the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization including a table of examples of psychosocial risks at work.

Spotlight on burnout (global): a factsheet on burnout and what businesses need to know.

Sustainable success: strategies for avoiding burnout (APAC): a webinar from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia for people early in their careers.

What are the drivers of employee wellbeing? (Global): an insight paper from the World Wellbeing Movement on the science behind what makes employees happy at work.

What if your job was good for you? A report from Business in the Community (BITC) identifying action employers can take to transform wellbeing at work.

World Wellbeing Movement Wellbeing Playbook (global): a large-scale systematic literature review of interventions to improve employee wellbeing.

Working on Wellbeing podcast (global): conversations with the world’s leading wellbeing experts.


Pillar 3: Support


Standard 8: Opening the dialogue

Addressing mental health stigma globally across the business  (global): a panel event featuring BP, Clifford Chance, HSBC, and Basic Needs Basic Rights Kenya.

Empowering employees to share their mental health experiences  (global): a guide to take you through the essentials of supporting employees to share their lived experience

Eliminating Mental Health Stigma (global): a webinar with WPP and Clifford Chance.

This is Me campaign from the Lord Mayor’s Appeal (EMEA): an established mental health campaign run by businesses and incorporating the Green Ribbon awareness campaign. This campaign has been adopted by businesses globally.

Workplace mental health: a course to support employees understand the essentials ofworkplace mental health and what they can do to support their own and their colleagues’wellbeing.

REA Groups' Mental Health First Aid Initiative: a case study from Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia.


Standard 9: Proactive health promotion

Empowering your people to prioritise mental health (global): a webinar featuring insights from Visa and Deloitte.

Five Ways to Wellbeing (global): a report by the New Economics Foundation with a summary of five areas around which organisations could focus wellbeing interventions to support good mental health.

Supporting men’s mental health in the workplace (APAC): a factsheet for businesses from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia.

Supporting women’s mental health in the workplace (APAC): a factsheet for businesses from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia.


Standard 10: Accessible support

Addressing financial stigma (APAC): a factsheet from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia exploring what is financial stigma and how businesses can reduce it to improve financial wellbeing.

Empowering staff to seek the right support (global): a case study from Puget Sound Energy on how they support employees to understand which mental health resources are most relevant to them.

Communicating and signposting to mental health tools andsupport (global): this webinar includes insights from Sodexo and BP.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) demystified (APAC): a three-minute clip from the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia’s Early in career Committee.

Find a helpline (global): a global library of support services.

Mental health and race at work (EMEA): a research report and toolkit on how businesses can build mentally healthy, diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Promoting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (APAC): a case study from Standard Chartered Singapore on their policies which prioritises the health, family and wellbeing of all employees.

WHO Guidelines on Mental Health at Work (global): evidence-based recommendations to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions and enable people living with mental health conditions to participate and thrive in work.

Workplace mental health champions: a training course to develop a network of Champions to support the mental wellbeing of colleagues.


Impact and measurement


Assesment and benchmarking: measuring your workplace mental wellbeing strategy.

Fidelidade’s data driven approach: a case study from the MindForward Alliance 2024 awards.

How Bupa uses data in its workplace mental health strategy: a case study.

MindForward Alliance Framework: Impact and measurement (pages 23-24)