Workplace Mental Health Awareness

Duration - Essentials course: 90 mins
Duration - Advanced course: 3hrs
Group size: 5- 35
Audience: All
Delivered out to your general population as part of a wider programme to improve awareness and decrease stigma around talking about mental health, this course will ensure your people understand the essentials of workplace mental health and what they can do to support their own and their colleagues’ wellbeing. A combination of knowledge and skills development ensures all participants leave the course with a personalised action plan enabling them to implement these back into their workplace.
The course will look at the business case for mental health, defining what we mean by mental health and looking at the concept of the mental health spectrum. It goes on to examine common causes of work-related stress and its contribution to mental ill health, including key factors that contribute to work-related stress. The course goes on to consider how individuals can support their own mental health, as well as practicing listening and communication skills to have appropriate and effective mental health conversations with colleagues. This learning is put into practice with some tailored case studies and discussion.
Learning outcomes - Essentials course (90 mins)
By the end of this interactive course, participants will be able to:
- Better understand the mental health spectrum and how that relates to keeping mentally fit and well
- Understand their own mental health and wellbeing and how to protect and nurture it
- Ability to recognise the common causes of work-related stress and its contribution to overall performance and productivity
- Understand what resilience means for them
- Be able to identify the main signs and symptoms of common mental health issues in themselves
- Know internal wellbeing resources, so that they can direct colleagues to support and access it for themselves
What this course will cover
- Defining what we mean by mental health
- The business case for mental health - why it should be a workplace agenda
- Understanding mental health spectrum and your own stress signature
- A brief overview the causes of and how to manage stress, including the stress container model
- Self-care and how to build resilience, including the 5 ways to wellbeing
- Signs and symptoms of mental ill health – psychological, behavioural, physical
- Understanding of internal support and resources
- Reflections and next steps
Learning outcomes - Advanced course (3 hours)
The Advanced course covers all the learning outcomes from the Essentials course, but additionally participants will have gained:
- Confidence in spotting signs related to poor mental health and overall wellbeing in others
- Further exploration and in depth understanding of work-related stress and burnout
- Skills to have an open and appropriate conversation about mental health with colleagues, whilst maintaining healthy boundaries
- An understanding of how diversity in people – ethnicity, neurodivergency, sexuality and gender identity, career stage and age – can be intersectional with mental health
- Understand how they can implement their learning with colleagues and actively challenge stigma within their workplace
This course will cover all of the Essentials course content above, plus:
- How to have a mental health conversation using our helpful MindForward Alliance Framework
- Coaching to develop active listening skills, feedback and responses
- Discussions and skills development through breakout activities and practical case studies working through common scenarios
- Understanding of the impact of stigma
- Personalised action plan with individual goal setting
Contact us to book and for more details about the course.
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