Workplace Mental Health Champions

Length: 1 x 8 hours (can be delivered over several shorter sessions, as needed)
Group Size: 5 - 16
Audience: All employees
Our new Workplace Mental Health / Wellbeing Champions course trains your people in 4 key areas:
- Focused short-term support and signposting for colleagues experiencing emotional distress, and understanding its related impact in the workplace
- Facilitate boundaried, confident conversations on topics related to wellbeing
- Supporting the overall business agenda on workplace wellbeing and developing psychological safety within your culture
- Nurturing their own mental health and wellbeing to support healthier habits and behaviours
Designed with practical skills development at its core, this course ensures your Champions are able to support themselves and colleagues in a range of situations that may impact wellbeing, and can respond to the changing, and high-performance demands, of a corporate environment.
The course also gives attendees inspiration on how they can champion the wellbeing agenda within your organisation, through leading by example, challenging stigma and creating opportunities to open up conversations with colleagues.
The course has been specifically designed to connect seamlessly to any existing MHFAider community, complementing their skills and knowledge, as well as giving you the ability to continue to implement your plans for further roll out of this training and growing your community in new parts of the business.
Course outcomes
The Workplace Mental health Champions course will enable participants to:
- Recognise the changes in workplace behaviours related to mental ill health and emotional distress
- Initiate and hold confident conversations about wellbeing whilst ensuring they remain safe and maintain boundaries
- Provide initial help in a crisis and guide the person towards appropriate support and professional help
- Develop and utilise skills to support and nurture their own wellbeing
- Challenge stigma and discrimination across the business
- Create a plan to actively champion the workplace wellbeing agenda within their roles to support the wider strategy and build psychological safety
- Champion internal support and resources, signposting colleagues appropriately
Course content
- Practical skills to spot triggers and signs of a colleague struggling with their mental health and wellbeing
- Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress using the MindForward alliance framework for workplace conversations
- Providing appropriate short-term support to colleagues at times of change and uncertainty
- Knowledge of boundaries of their role, as well how to define and maintain personal boundaries when supporting colleagues
- Enhanced interpersonal skills such as active, non-judgmental listening
- Crisis response – virtually and in person
- An understanding of how to keep themselves healthy while performing their duties
- Practice into action – multiple case study activities and listening exercises
- Internal resources – where to direct colleagues to support
- Understanding of wellbeing as a holistic concept and how it intersects with a range of topics
- Confidence to hold conversations about various aspects of wellbeing with colleagues
- Exploring the role as a workplace Champion in setting the tone and challenging stigma
- Reflections and next steps, including action planning.
Contact us to book and for more details about the course.
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