Setting boundaries for positive wellbeing
Many young people are feeling overwhelmed and unmanageably busy in this current time. The world has been a turbulent and fluctuating place, both in terms of work, personal lives and social media.
Given the amount of time and energy dedicated to our work, it is possible that this feeling of overwhelm is fuelled by taking on too much in both our professional and personal lives, to the detriment of our wellbeing. Whether this is propagated by anxiety, imposter syndrome, or toxic perfectionism, this event explores what contributes to this phenomenon.
This event featured personal stories of early career professionals who have experienced this and discussed why it is important to set boundaries, and how we can practically and professionally do so.
Speakers were:
- Olivia Boutwood (Benefits Associate, Morgan Stanley) at 0.00 mins
- Will Banks (Lead Policy Analyst, Bank of England)
- Melanie Atwood (HR Advisor, Louis Vuitton)
- John Binns MBE (Independent Advisor and Coach)