Dr Emma Waddington
Clinical Psychologist and Trainer
Department: Singapore
Dr Emma Waddington has 20 years of experience in the field of mental health. She worked as a Clinical Psychologist in UK local services, hospitals and in the private sector for over ten years prior to coming to Singapore. In this time, she worked at developing a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy service for young people and adults at a local hospital in addition to lecturing at the Anna Freud Centre, and was a visiting lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, London.
Since coming to Singapore, Emma has worked with adults, couples, children and families to help them overcome emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, anger management and behavioural difficulties using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She also ran a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy service within the National University Singapore (NUS) Masters of Clinical Psychology programme for two years and was an adjunct associate professor at NUS for five years.
Emma currently works closely with community services in Singapore to support the growth of psychological care within local services.